Digital FLy Bench

Creative ideas for better flies

What is Digital FLy Bench?

Ellis Hunsaker here, I created Digital Fly Bench to be a resource for all creatives to better assist in their creative process of developing new fly patterns. 


When I am on the water, I find myself wishing I had more variation in choices, colors, sizes, materials, actions of the fly etc. However when I am at my tying bench all I can come up with are the same tried and true patterns I always end up fishing!


Enter Digital Fly Bench. Having a tying companion to help me explore different possibilities with fly tying has improved both my tying and confidence on the water.

Creating the ‘Wrong’ Ideas

As fly anglers and tyers, we’re constantly in pursuit of perfection – the perfect pattern, the perfect presentation, the perfect cast. But what if I told you that sometimes, the key to unlocking creativity lies not in seeking the right answers, but in exploring the wrong ones?


Check out the “Overboard Hopper” and find your next ‘wrong’ idea!

Why? What if? How?

Asking creative questions of unique problems to find new ways to solve for old ideas. Featuring “A More Beautiful Question: The Power of Inquiry to Spark Breakthrough Ideas”. 


The story of a 23 3/4in brown and a fly called the “Rabbit Berger”

Connected Inquiry

Finding new ideas in unusual places to come up with something entirely new and unexpected. Featuring “The Medici Effect: What elephants and epidemics can teach us about innovation”.


Check out these wings! Skeleton leaf to create realistic salmon fly wings.

List of Fly Tying Books

Need a new book to fill out your collection? Check out our list of creativity minded and fly tying books we enjoy.


Have recommendation? Let us know we will add it to the list!

Idea Generator

Use this tool to help spark your best fly ideas. No costs, no tricks, just click ‘Generate’ to come up with your next great pattern!

Want even more ideas?

Do you have a few materials you want to tie with but not sure what flies you can make with the materials you have? Give the Materials to Fly Idea generator a try!